Here is a bunch of scripts that will ease your daily use of Acrobat. With abracadabraTOOLS created by JR Boulay de, you can now flatten your forms, count words, add folios...
Let's go and see what it contains !
The abracadabraTOOLS set offers the fiollowing features (functions may vary depending on the version).
- FLATTEN : combine (flatten) form fields and annotations so they become part of the document content .
- WORD COUNTER : count words in a single page or in the whole current PDF document.
- ADD PAGE NUMBERS : page numbering in the current PDF document (not on thumbnails).
- ADD BLANK PAGE : add one blank page before the current page, using the same size.
- METADATAS : automaticaly fill Title, Subject & Author Properties in the current PDF document using Preferences/Identity settings.
- NEW : create a new blank PDF page in a new document. More than 39 standard formats are available.
- PDF-PORTFOLIO UTILITIES : set the List view mode or the Coversheet as defaut view, and transfers included PDF files’ metadatas in the PDF-Portfolio Details fields.
- CROP TO TRIMBOX : crop all pages to TrimBox in the current document.
- RESET FORMS : reset all form fields in the current PDF document.
- SPLIT PAGES : split a multipage PDF document into several PDF documents containing one or several pages.
- DELETE PAGES WITHOUT COMMENTS : delete all pages without comments in the current document, if there is no comments in the whole document it will be left untouched.
Feedback and support to sites and forums from abracadabrapdfnet (via the download link below)